How to manaully add a device back to the cloud plan?

How to manaully add a device back to the cloud plan?

1.Open App, click 'Cloud storage' down below the preview screen.
  Or enter the live page, choose the 'Cloud'.
2.Slect any clip to go to the settings page of cloud.

3.Click the icon in the upper right hand.
4.Click 'My Service'.
5.Choose your cloud service plan.
6.Add current device or remove other devices here.
Please note.
1.If you have created a 'Home', the Cloud Service is linked to this 'Home'. Please do not delete Home.
2.If you transfer you camera to another 'Home Management', cloud service will not follow.
3.If you have reset your camera, you need to add the camera to your cloud service plan manually.
4.Currently our app do not support upgrating cloud service plan, if you have a plan and you'd like to upgrate it, you can purchase a new plan and provide us the former cloud service order number, we'll have our technical team to have it canceled and make a refund to you.